
This year has been busy. Work brings satisfaction and money, but no time for anything else lately. Been more active and eating cleaner this year, feel good and health is good. Shut down my webstore cause its just too much to deal with right now. Noticed this site was broken again, so I fixed it and decided to make this post. Really getting tired of technology. Everything keeps “updating” and only seems to worsen the user experience. Guess that’s all I’ve got to say.


Just doing some site maintenance today and also realized I hadn’t really posted here that I launched a webstore for my BBQ rubs last month. I’ve been really busy so haven’t done much to market it yet, but it is available for purchase now. I guess I’ve been busy for awhile, since I haven’t posted in a really long time. All is well, just saving up to buy a house and hoping the rates come back down soon.


Some maintenance and photo updates for the site. Just wanted to refresh the site a little. Still trying to figure out life. Been going for hikes more often, trying to get more active. Still on transplant meds, not having any issues. Looking for inspiration and creativity. I like photography stuff and cooking for hobbies, but still not sure what I am supposed to really be doing in this world. Work is fine, but more income would be nice. No clue how to change that. California is too expensive. Been messing around with stocks and crypto to try to make a few extra bucks. Just spilling some thoughts…


Well this has been an interesting year so far. Only took 8 months for me to post something! Have been working from home since mid March due to the weirdness in the world. Spend most of my weekends in Ventura cooking and relaxing with my girlfriend. Still tapering off my transplant meds since they like to give me issues every time they change. Hoping to be done by year end maybe? Who knows. Getting over a little GVHD with some steroids and liver meds, but feeling good. Have been getting a little more into photography again and I added a few more of my favorite recent photos to my photography page here.


It has been awhile since my last update. Things are going good still. Almost done tapering off the immunosuppressants. Had a small GVHD outbreak in my mouth, which I guess is rather common. Not too bad really, just an irritating coating and a few minor sores and chapped lips. Seems like it may have been triggered by the cold I caught in October. Clearing up slowly with a little help from some steroidal mouthwash. Finally got all my vaccines(baby shots) over the past couple months in a few waves. Next Monday is Day +1000 post transplant.

Still have some freelance editing here and there and the occasional BBQ catering gig I help out with. Keeps me busy and a little extra side cash. Been going to the gym more since my cold has passed, trying to get back to where I was earlier this year with my strength/fitness. Funny how fast it goes away when you don’t maintain it. Went on a couple vacations in October with my girlfriend and we had a great time in both Albuquerque and the bay area!

I saw recently that Brouwerij West has added more artwork/signage to the side of Warehouse 9. I may have to add another new photo to my header to keep up with the theme.

5.3.19 – Link to CAR-T Article

The article has finally been published in City News and I found it online to share. I am going to the Bone Marrow Transplant reunion next Friday at City of Hope, and will try to find some physical copies. The photo editor in me is annoyed at the thread on my arm in the photo though. I literally edit pictures of clothing for a living so its the first thing I saw lol. Also the online version of the article imagery is very compressed, so it’s not as good of quality as the print copies would be. I really want to see the print version to enjoy it more. Such OCD!

Anyways… here is the link! I am on page 14 with my doctor: https://www.cityofhope.org/flipbook/CityNews/Spring-2019/index.html


No issues since my last tapering of meds, which is good cause no appointment this month! I go back in April. Still waiting to see the release of the article I am being featured in with my doctor.

Took on some freelance work this month and enjoying the extra workload actually, I like having things to keep me busy lol. Day job has been busy as well but not too crazy, and I have been sticking to my gym schedule pretty well too. Increasing weight on the machines means progress is being made.

Also added some more photos to my photography page tonight. It is late, I must sleep. Happy Pi day!


Had some photos taken at City of Hope with my doctor this week for an article in their quarterly magazine. I’ll have to share when it comes out. While talking to him he mentioned that I should be ok to start having sushi and oysters again! But to take it slow at first and make sure it is from a good place.